The Assessment class is used to provide the analyzer's assessment of an event -- its impact, actions taken in response, and confidence.
digraph Assessment { graph [bb="0,0,360,228", rankdir=LR ]; node [label="\N"]; Assessment [height=0.5, label=<<table BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td BGCOLOR="#cc6a51" HREF="/idmef_parser/IDMEFv1/Assessment.html" TITLE="The Assessment class is used to provide the analyzer's assessment of an event -- its impact, actions taken in response, and confidence. "><FONT FACE="Nimbus Sans L">Assessment</FONT></td> </tr>" %</table>>, pos="48.5,93", shape=plaintext, width=1.3472]; Impact [height=1.2778, label=<<table BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td BGCOLOR="#cc6a51" HREF="/idmef_parser/IDMEFv1/Impact.html" TITLE="The Impact class is used to provide the analyzer's assessment of the impact of the event on the target(s). It is represented in the IDMEF DTD as follows: "><FONT FACE="Nimbus Sans L">Impact</FONT></td> </tr>" %<tr><td BGCOLOR="#ff8465" HREF="/idmef_parser/IDMEFv1/Impact.html" TITLE="Section 10.)"><FONT FACE="Nimbus Sans L">[ENUM] severity (Optional)</FONT></td></tr>%<tr><td BGCOLOR="#ff8465" HREF="/idmef_parser/IDMEFv1/Impact.html" TITLE="Section 10.)"><FONT FACE="Nimbus Sans L">[ENUM] completion (Optional)</FONT></td></tr>%<tr><td BGCOLOR="#ff8465" HREF="/idmef_parser/IDMEFv1/Impact.html" TITLE="value is "other". (See also Section 10.)"><FONT FACE="Nimbus Sans L">[ENUM] type (Optional)</FONT></td></tr>%</table>>, pos="258,182", shape=plaintext, width=2.8333]; Assessment -> Impact [label="0..1", lp="126.5,136.5", pos="e,155.91,138.63 90.895,111.01 107.2,117.94 126.68,126.21 146.48,134.63"]; Action [height=0.69444, label=<<table BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td BGCOLOR="#cc6a51" HREF="/idmef_parser/IDMEFv1/Action.html" TITLE="The Action class is used to describe any actions taken by the analyzer in response to the event. Is is represented in the IDMEF DTD as follows: "><FONT FACE="Nimbus Sans L">Action</FONT></td> </tr>" %<tr><td BGCOLOR="#ff8465" HREF="/idmef_parser/IDMEFv1/Action.html" TITLE="The default value is "other". (See also Section 10.)"><FONT FACE="Nimbus Sans L">[ENUM] category (Required)</FONT></td></tr>%</table>>, pos="258,93", shape=plaintext, width=2.6944]; Assessment -> Action [label="0..*", lp="126.5,100.5", pos="e,160.99,93 97.09,93 113.28,93 132.01,93 150.84,93"]; Confidence [height=0.69444, label=<<table BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td BGCOLOR="#cc6a51" HREF="/idmef_parser/IDMEFv1/Confidence.html" TITLE="The Confidence class is used to represent the analyzer's best estimate of the validity of its analysis. It is represented in the IDMEF DTD as follows: "><FONT FACE="Nimbus Sans L">Confidence</FONT></td> </tr>" %<tr><td BGCOLOR="#ff8465" HREF="/idmef_parser/IDMEFv1/Confidence.html" TITLE="also Section 10.)"><FONT FACE="Nimbus Sans L">[ENUM] rating (Required)</FONT></td></tr>%</table>>, pos="258,25", shape=plaintext, width=2.4444]; Assessment -> Confidence [label="0..1", lp="126.5,78.5", pos="e,180.96,50.007 97.09,77.229 119.17,70.062 145.98,61.361 171.33,53.133"]; }
The analyzer's assessment of the impact of the event on the target(s).
The action(s) taken by the analyzer in response to the event.
A measurement of the confidence the analyzer has in its evaluation of the event.