The Process class is used to describe processes being executed on sources, targets, and analyzers.
digraph Process { graph [bb="0,0,178,155", rankdir=LR ]; node [label="\N"]; Process [height=2.1528, label=<<table BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td BGCOLOR="#cca352" HREF="/idmef_parser/IDMEFv2/Process.html" TITLE="The Process class is used to describe processes being executed on sources, targets, and analyzers. "><FONT FACE="Nimbus Sans L">Process</FONT></td> </tr>" %<tr><td BGCOLOR="#FFCC66" HREF="/idmef_parser/IDMEFv2/Process.html" TITLE="The name of the program being executed. This is a short name; path and argument information are provided elsewhere."><FONT FACE="Nimbus Sans L">[STRING] name (1)</FONT></td></tr>%<tr><td BGCOLOR="#FFCC66" HREF="/idmef_parser/IDMEFv2/Process.html" TITLE="The process identifier of the process."><FONT FACE="Nimbus Sans L">[INTEGER] pid (0..1)</FONT></td></tr>%<tr><td BGCOLOR="#FFCC66" HREF="/idmef_parser/IDMEFv2/Process.html" TITLE="The full path of the program being executed."><FONT FACE="Nimbus Sans L">[STRING] path (0..1)</FONT></td></tr>%<tr><td BGCOLOR="#FFCC66" HREF="/idmef_parser/IDMEFv2/Process.html" TITLE="A command-line argument to the program. Multiple arguments may be specified (they are assumed to have occurred in the same order they are provided) with multiple uses of arg."><FONT FACE="Nimbus Sans L">[STRING] arg (0..*)</FONT></td></tr>%<tr><td BGCOLOR="#FFCC66" HREF="/idmef_parser/IDMEFv2/Process.html" TITLE="An environment string associated with the process; generally of the format "VARIABLE=value". Multiple environment strings may be specified with multiple uses of env."><FONT FACE="Nimbus Sans L">[STRING] env (0..*)</FONT></td></tr>%<tr><td BGCOLOR="#FFCC66" HREF="/idmef_parser/IDMEFv2/Process.html" TITLE="A unique identifier for the process; see Section 3.2.9."><FONT FACE="Nimbus Sans L">[STRING] ident (Optional)</FONT></td></tr>%</table>>, pos="89,77.5", shape=plaintext, width=2.4722]; }
The name of the program being executed. This is a short name; path and argument information are provided elsewhere.
The process identifier of the process.
The full path of the program being executed.
A command-line argument to the program. Multiple arguments may be specified (they are assumed to have occurred in the same order they are provided) with multiple uses of arg.
An environment string associated with the process; generally of the format "VARIABLE=value". Multiple environment strings may be specified with multiple uses of env.
A unique identifier for the process; see Section 3.2.9.