The HashData class describes different types of hashes on a given object (e.g., file, part of a file, email).
digraph HashData { graph [bb="0,0,507,181.5", rankdir=LR ]; node [label="\N"]; HashData [height=0.98611, label=<<table BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td BGCOLOR="#CECECE" HREF="/idmef_parser/IODEFv2/HashData.html" TITLE="The HashData class describes different types of hashes on a given object (e.g., file, part of a file, email). "><FONT FACE="Nimbus Sans L">HashData</FONT></td> </tr>" %<tr><td HREF="/idmef_parser/IODEFv2/HashData.html" TITLE="An identifier that references a subset of the object being hashed. The semantics of this identifier are specified by the scope attribute."><FONT FACE="Nimbus Sans L">[STRING] HashTargetID (0..1)</FONT></td></tr>%<tr><td HREF="/idmef_parser/IODEFv2/HashData.html" TITLE="A means by which to extend the scope attribute. See Section 5.1.1."><FONT FACE="Nimbus Sans L">[STRING] scope (0..1)</FONT></td></tr>%</table>>, pos="101.5,96", shape=plaintext, width=2.8194]; Hash [height=0.98611, label=<<table BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td BGCOLOR="#CECECE" HREF="/idmef_parser/IODEFv2/Hash.html" TITLE="The Hash class describes a cryptographic hash value; the algorithm and application used to generate it; and the canonicalization method applied to the object being hashed. "><FONT FACE="Nimbus Sans L">Hash</FONT></td> </tr>" %<tr><td HREF="/idmef_parser/IODEFv2/Hash.html" TITLE="The canonicalization method used on the object being hashed. See Section 4.3.1 of [W3C.XMLSIG]."><FONT FACE="Nimbus Sans L">[] (0..1)</FONT></td></tr>%<tr><td HREF="/idmef_parser/IODEFv2/Hash.html" TITLE="The application used to calculate the hash."><FONT FACE="Nimbus Sans L">[SOFTWARE] Application (0..1)</FONT></td></tr>%</table>>, pos="384.5,146", shape=plaintext, width=2.9444]; HashData -> Hash [label="0..*", lp="232.5,128.5", pos="e,278.39,127.25 203.27,113.98 224.43,117.72 246.88,121.69 268.51,125.51"]; FuzzyHash [height=1.2778, label=<<table BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td BGCOLOR="#CECECE" HREF="/idmef_parser/IODEFv2/FuzzyHash.html" TITLE="The FuzzyHash class describes a fuzzy hash and the application used to generate it. "><FONT FACE="Nimbus Sans L">FuzzyHash</FONT></td> </tr>" %<tr><td HREF="/idmef_parser/IODEFv2/FuzzyHash.html" TITLE="The computed fuzzy hash value."><FONT FACE="Nimbus Sans L">[EXTENSION] FuzzyHashValue (1..*)</FONT></td></tr>%<tr><td HREF="/idmef_parser/IODEFv2/FuzzyHash.html" TITLE="The application used to calculate the hash."><FONT FACE="Nimbus Sans L">[SOFTWARE] Application (0..1)</FONT></td></tr>%<tr><td HREF="/idmef_parser/IODEFv2/FuzzyHash.html" TITLE="Mechanism by which to extend the data model."><FONT FACE="Nimbus Sans L">[EXTENSION] AdditionalData (0..*)</FONT></td></tr>%</table>>, pos="384.5,46", shape=plaintext, width=3.4028]; HashData -> FuzzyHash [label="0..*", lp="232.5,81.5", pos="e,261.91,67.659 203.27,78.019 219.02,75.237 235.48,72.329 251.78,69.448"]; }
An identifier that references a subset of the object being hashed. The semantics of this identifier are specified by the scope attribute.
The hash of an object. See Section 3.26.1.
The fuzzy hash of an object. See Section 3.26.2.
A means by which to extend the scope attribute. See Section 5.1.1.